Two New Funds Established to Support Student Success
As of 2018, twenty-seven scholarship funds have been established by donors to champion student success and over $132,000 was distributed in awards this year. As a result of the enormous growth in support received from our donors, alumni, and greater community, the total amount of scholarship funds distributed has more than tripled from last year.
Two new scholarship funds were established by Executive Fellow, Beverly Bailey, and alumna Jamie Fang.
Established by Beverly and Scott Bailey
Beverly and Scott Bailey created an endowed fund to provide scholarships to students enrolled in the UCR School of Business A. Gary Anderson Graduate School of Management programs. Beverly Bailey served as an Executive Fellow for the 2017- 2018 academic year.
The Executive Fellows Endowed Scholarship Fund will be utilized to identify, recruit, and retain, the best and brightest students to AGSM and to ensure financial need does not hinder the academic and professional development of these students. Further, it is to recognize and award student excellence in academic merit, leadership ability, and community engagement.
“I am forever grateful for the experience and opportunity to engage with the next generation of global leaders. Students of the School of Business are driven to become educated in not only what the experts say in the course texts but they’re also interested in real-life application. This is part of the joy of serving as an Executive Fellow. I believe that this multi-tiered approach to education involving this exchange and analysis of theory and practice is extremely important.”
Established by Jamie Fang `90

Jamie Fang `90 created the Jamie Chen-Kuei Fang Endowed Award fund to provide financial support to undergraduate business majors of the School of Business, particularly for incoming transfer students and those from a Southern California community college.
In 2005, Jamie Fang established the Charley Chen-hui and Hsi Mei Fang Award Endowed Fund. Jamie Fang has been a longtime friend and supporter of UCR and the School of Business and is passionate about helping students achieve academic success through decreasing their financial burden.