A. Gary Anderson
Graduate School of Management


Faculty & Research


Research & Publications

Featured Research News

A business man gets pied in the face
When Inflicting Pain on Others Pays Off
Oh, the joy of inflicting pain upon others. The Germans have a word for it: Schadenfreude, meaning “malicious pleasure.” And tapping into its sentiment properly can, ironically, do a lot of good by raising money for charity. In a groundbreaking paper published in the Journal of Consumer Psychology, UC Riverside School of Business marketing professor and associate dean Thomas Kramer and co-authors articulate and quantify the appeal of Schadenfreude ( pronounced Sha-den-froid-e) through the lens of marketing psychology. Through a series of behavioral scenario studies, their paper provides
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A saleswoman at a  'Jo Malone'  luxury fragrances counter in Duesseldorf, Germany
Group Sales Incentives Boost Weak Brand Sales, Study Finds
New research co-authored by UC Riverside business professor Subramanian “Bala” Balachander provides some sound advice for managers of retail outlets that limit their product selection to a particular brand.
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Margaret Campbell article banner
UCR Business Professor Recognized for Consumer Psychology Scholarship
Margaret “Meg” C. Campbell, an associate dean, professor of marketing and Anderson Presidential Chair in Business Administration at UC Riverside’s School of Business, has received the Fellows Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Field of Consumer Psychology.
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Research Publications


Journal Article Author Year
Contemporary Accounting Research Information aggregation to form earnings expectations: Evidence from CEO networks and management forecast accuracy Shana Hong 2024
Journal of Consumer Psychology The Ironic Impact of Schadenfreude: When the Joy of Inflicting Pain Leads to Increased Prosocial Behavior Thomas Kramer 2024



Journal Article Author Year
International Journal of Research in Marketing Designing Distributed Ledger technologies, like Blockchain, for advertising markets Mingyu Joo 2023
Journal of Consumer Research Unraveling Impact: Exploring Effects of Novelty in Top Consumer Research Journals Margaret Campbell


Journal of Experimental Psychology: General How well do laboratory-derived estimates of time preference predict real-world behaviors? Comparisons to four benchmarks Ye Li 2023
Journal of International Business Studies Modeling the Antecedents of Multi-Generational Services Adoption Behavior of Clients Across Countries: The Role of Mindset Metrics Ashish Sood 2023
Journal of Public Policy and Marketing Lockdown Without Loss? A Natural Experiment of Net Payoffs from COVID-19 Lockdowns Ashish Sood 2023
Management Science Automotive Procurement Under Opaque Prices: Theory with Evidence from the BMW Supply Chain Danko Turcic 2023
Management Science On the Robustness of Idiosyncratic Volatility Effect Alexander Barinov 2023
Marketing Science Do Sellers Benefit from Sponsored Product Listings? Evidence from an Online Marketplace Mingyu Joo 2023
Organization Science How Do Performance Goals Influence Exploration-Exploitation Choices Marlo Raveendran 2023
Production and Operations Management Coordinating traditional media advertising and online advertising in brand marketing Subramanian Balachander 2023
Production and Operations Management When do teams generate valuable inventions? The moderating role of invention integrality on the effects of expertise similarity, network cohesion, and gender diversity Haibo Liu 2023
Prior Years
  • 2022 Publications
    Journal Article Author Year
    Journal of Marketing Research The More You Ask, the Less You Get: When Additional Questions Hurt External Validity Ye Li 2022
    Journal of Retailing Chronological cues and consumers’ preference for mere newness Ye Li 2022
    Management Science How Market Power Affects Dynamic Pricing: Evidence from Inventory Fluctuations at Car Dealerships Jorge Silva-Risso 2022
    Management Science Too Popular, Too Fast: Optimal Advertising and Entry Timing in Markets with Peer Influence Ashutosh Prasad 2022
    Manufacturing & Service Operations Management Reference Pricing for Healthcare Services Elodie Adida Goodman 2022
    Manufacturing & Service Operations Management Is Adopting Mass Customization a Path to Environmentally Sustainable Fashion? Adem Orsdemir 2022
    Manufacturing & Service Operations Management Pricing, Quality, and Stocking Decisions in a Manufacturer-centric Dual Channel Danko Turcic 2022
    Operations Research Advertising Cycling to Manage Exclusivity Loss in Fashion Styles Ashutosh Prasad 2022
    Organizational Behavior and Human Decisions Investors respond negatively to executives' discussion of creativity Elaine Wong & Michael Haselhuhn 2022
    Organization Science When do boards of directors contribute to shareholder value in firms targeted for acquisition? A group information processing perspective John Haleblian 2022
    Organization Science Collaborations and Innovation in Partitioned Industries: An Analysis of U.S. Feature Film Coproductions Demetrius Lewis 2022
    Organization Science Division of Labor Through Self-Selection Marlo Raveendran 2022
    Review of Accounting Studies Is Conservatism Demanded by Performance Measurement in Compensation Contracts? Evidence from Earnings Measures Used in Bonus Formulas Ivy Xiying Zhang 2022
    The Accounting Review Proprietary Costs: Why Do R&D-Active Firms Choose Single-Lender Financing? Hyun A Hong 2022
    The Accounting Review Outside Opportunities, Managerial Risk Taking, and CEO Compensation Ivy Xiying Zhang 2022
  • 2021 Publications


    Journal Article Author Year
    Journal of Marketing Research Ritualistic Consumption Decreases Loneliness by Increasing Meaning Thomas Kramer 2021
    Management Science Outcome-based pricing for new pharmaceuticals via rebates Elodie Adida Goodman 2021
    Manufacturing & Service Operations Management Pricing, Quality, and Stocking Decisions in a Manufacturer-Centric Dual-Channel  Danko Turcic 2021
    Marketing Science Consumer Search and Purchase: An Empirical Investigation of Retargeting Based on Consumer Online Behavior Hai Che 2021
    Marketing Science The End of the Express Road for Hybrid Vehicles: Can Governments' Green Incentives Backfire? Jorge M. Silva-Risso 2021
    Production and Operations Management Building the Momentum: Information Disclosure and Herding in Online Crowdfunding Hai Che 2021
    Production and Operations Management Crowdfunding Project Design: Optimal Product Menu and Funding Target Subramanian Balachander 2021
    Production and Operations Management Dual Channel Distribution: The Case for Cost Information Asymmetry Long Gao | Adem Orsdemir 2021
    Production and Operations Management The Effect of List Prices on Channel Performance with Consignment Yunzeng Wang 2021
    The Accounting Review Lender Monitoring and the Efficacy of Managerial Risk-Taking Incentives Hyun A Hong 2021


  • 2020 Publications


    Journal Article Author Year
    Academy of Management Journal Impression offsetting as an early warning signal of CEO self-interest in acquisitions Jerayr Haleblian 2020
    Management Science Temporal Distance and Price Responsiveness: Empirical Investigation of the Cruise Industry Mingyu Joo 2020
    Marketing Science Consumer Search and Purchase: An Empirical Investigation of Retargeting Based on Consumer Online Behaviors Hai Che 2020
    Organization Science Too Much Trust in Group Decisions: Uncovering Hidden Profiles by Groups and Markets Boris Maciejovsky 2020
    Strategic Management Journal Seeds of Change: How current structure shapes the type and timing of reorganizations Marlo Raveendran 2020
    The Accounting Review Lender Monitoring and the Efficacy of Managerial Risk-Taking Incentives Shana Hong, Anup Srivastava 2020


  • 2019 Publications
    Journal Article Author Year
    Administrative Science Quarterly Failed searches: how job applicant pool experience variety affects an employer’s decision not to hire Ming Leung 2019
    Journal of Consumer Research The impact of acquisition mode on expected speed of product mastery and subsequent consumer behavior Thomas Kramer 2019
    Management Science The Role of Market Evolution in Channel Contracting

    Long Gao, Barry Mishra

    Management Science Contracts for Healthcare Referral Services: Coordination via Outcome-Based Penalty Contracts Elodie Adida 2019
    Management Science Why Markdown as Pricing Modality? Elodie Adida 2019
    Manufacturing & Service Operations Management Business analytics for intermodal capacity management Long Gao 2019
    Manufacturing & Service Operations Management To wait or not to wait: the theory and practice of ticket queues Long Gao 2019
    Management Science Optimal product design by sequential experiments in high dimensions Mingyu Joo 2019
  • 2018 Publications
    Journal Article Author Year Volume
    Strategic Management Journal Give it to us straight (most of the time): top managers’ use of concrete language and its effect on investor reactions Jerayr John Haleblian 2018 39
    Journal of Financial Economics Stocks with extreme past returns: lotteries or insurance? Alexander Barinov 2018 129
    Organization Science Where do stars come from? the role of star vs. nonstar collaborators in creative settings Haibo Liu 2018 26
    Management Science Learning to hire? hiring as a dynamic experiential learning process in an online market for contract labor Ming Leung 2018 64
    Management Science Doing well by making well: the impact of corporate wellness programs on employee productivity Timothy Gubler 2018 64
    Journal of International Business Studies Client profitability of diffusion segments across countries for multi-generational innovations: the influence of firm, market, and cross-national differences Ashish Sood 2018 49
  • 2017 Publications
    Journal Article Author Year Volume
    Management Science Bundled payments vs. fee-for-service: impact of payment scheme on performance Elodie Adida 2017 63
    Strategic Management Journal High-reputation firms and their differential acquisition behaviors Jerayr J Haleblian 2017 38
    Marketing Science In-store advertising by competitors Ashutosh Prasad 2017 36
    Production and Operations Management Dynamic supply risk management with signal-based forecast, multi-sourcing, and discretionary selling Long Gao 2017 26
    Journal of Marketing The effects of products’ aesthetic design on demand and marketing-mix effectiveness: the role of segment prototypicality and brand consistency Subramanian Balachander 2017 81
    Journal of Marketing Provision of optional versus standard product features in competition Subramanian Balachander 2017 81
    Management Science Debt covenants and cross-sectional equity returns Jean Helwege 2017 63
    Journal of Accounting Research Divergence of cash flow and voting rights, opacity, and stock price crash risk: international evidence Hyun A Hong 2017 55
    Journal of Marketing Research Analyzing client profitability across diffusion segments for a continuous innovation Ashish Sood 2017 54
    Journal of Marketing Research Positioning multicountry brands: the impact of variation in cultural values and competitive set Charles Zhang  2017 54
  • 2016 Publications
    Journal Article Author Year Volume
    Academy of Management Journal Ready, aim, acquire: impression offsetting and acquisitions Jerayr J Haleblian  2016 59
    Journal of International Business Studies In country we trust? national trust and the governance of international r&d alliances Jerayr J Haleblian 2016 47
    Management Science Object salience in the division of labor: experimental evidence Marlo Raveendran 2016 62
    Journal of Consumer Research In pursuit of good karma: when charitable appeals to do right go wrong Thomas Kramer 2016 42
    Marketing Science Dynamic incentives in sales force compensation Ashutosh Prasad 2016 35
    Organization Science Motivational spillovers from awards: crowding out in a multitasking environment Timothy Gubler 2016 27
    Production and Operations Management Revenue management for intermodal transportation: the role of dynamic forecasting Long Gao 2016 25
    Production and Operations Management Supplier capacity and intermediary profits: can less be more?  Elodie Adida 2016 25
    Journal of Financial Economics Short selling meets hedge fund 13f: an anatomy of informed demand Yawen Jiao 2016 122


  • 2015 Publications
    Journal Article Author Year Volume
    Journal of Consumer Research Do materialists prefer the “brand-as-servant”? the interactive effect of anthropomorphized brand roles and materialism on consumer responses Thomas Kramer 2015 42
    Production and Operations Management Competition and coordination in a two-channel supply chain Elodie Adida 2015 24
    Production and Operations Management Long-term contracting: the role of private information in dynamic supply risk management Long Gao 2015 24
    Management Science Increasing quality sequence: when is it an optimal product introduction strategy? Subramanian Balachander 2015 61
    The Review of Financial Studies Modeling credit contagion via the updating of fragile beliefs Jean Helwege 2015 28
    The Review of Financial Studies On bounding credit-event risk premia Jean Helwege 2015 28
    Strategic Management Journal Corporate hierarchy and vertical information flow inside the firm – a behavioral view Boris Maciejovsky 2015 36
    Marketing Science The economic value of online reviews Hai Che 2015 34
    Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Bundled procurement for technology acquisition and future competition Yunzeng Wang 2015 17
    Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Consignment contracts with revenue sharing for a capacitated retailer and multiple manufacturers Yunzeng Wang 2015 17


  • 2014 Publications
    Journal Article Author Year Volume
    Management Science Turnover: liquidity or uncertainty? Alexander Barinov 2014 60
    Management Science Television advertising and online search Mingyu Joo 2014 60
    Journal of Consumer Research The interactive effect of beliefs in malleable fate and fateful predictions on choice Thomas Kramer 2014 40
    Organization Science Out of sight, out of mind? evidence of perceptual factors in the multiple-category discount Ming D Leung 2014 25
    Production and Operations Management Information acquisition and voluntary disclosure in an export-processing system Long Gao 2014 23
    The Accounting Review The impact of mandatory ifrs adoption on ipos in global capital markets Hyun A Hong 2014 89
    Journal of Accounting and Economics Commitment to social good and insider trading Ivy Xiying Zhang 2014 57
    Production and Operations Management Competitive quality choice and remanufacturing Adem Orsdemir  2014 23
    Production and Operations Management Optimal procurement design of an assembly supply chain with information asymmetry Yunzeng Wang 2014 23