Business Administration Major
Business Administration Major
To complete a Major in Business Administration, students must take a total of 72 upper-division units. The major is comprised of ten core courses, five concentration courses, and three upper division business electives. Business students will select one concentration out of the seven concentrations offered. In order to ensure that you complete the requirements for graduation, please make sure that you consult with your academic advisor each quarter.
Business Major Concentrations
Specialize in business with one of seven concentrations to choose from. Concentrations prepare students for higher-level management in specialized business sectors.
To formally declare your concentration, login to access Student Forms.
For a complete list of degree plans for each concentration please visit the Advising Resources page.
For course descriptions, please visit the UCR Course Catalog at registrar.ucr.edu/registering/catalog
Accounting & Auditing
Accounting & Auditing Concentration Requirements (20 Units)
Focuses on the development, interpretation and communication of financial and operational information for effective decision-making. -
Business Analytics
Business Analytics Concentration Requirements (20 Units)
Focuses on developing new insights and understanding of business performance based on data and statistical methods.
Business Analytics Concentration consists of four required courses (16 units) . In addition, students must complete one of the elective courses in Business Analytics (4 units).
Finance Concentration Requirements (20 Units)
Foundations of Finance (BUS 132) is a required course. In addition, students must complete 16 units of electives in the Finance concentration. Students are strongly advised to choose one of the following tracks and select as many courses as possible, and supplement with additional courses as needed to complete the 20 unit requirement. Selecting a track will not appear on your transcript, but it can be reflected on your resume.
Information Systems
Information Systems Concentration Requirements
Focuses on helping organization leverage technology in order to create or sustain a competitive advantage. Students must complete 20 units.
Management Concentration Requirements (20 Units)
Focuses on the roles of managers in organizations, including: employee behavior and motivation, bargaining, negotiation, team development, managing diversity, strategic change, organization learning, top management team, managing competitive environments, corporate strategy alliances, and strategy formulation and implementation.
Students must complete 20 units of electives in the Management concentration. Students are strongly advised to choose one of the following tracks and select as many courses as possible, and supplement with additional courses as needed to complete the 20 unit requirement: Organizational Behavior & Human Resources or Strategy and Entrepreneurship.
Selecting a track will not appear on your transcript, but it can be reflected on your resume.
Marketing Concentration Requirements (20 Units)
Focuses on the study of customers and competitors so they can design product, promotion, pricing and distribution strategies that meet the needs and wants of the customer within a competitive marketplace.
Students must complete 20 units of electives in the Marketing concentration. Students are strongly advised to choose one of the following tracks and select as many courses as possible, and supplement with additional courses as needed to complete the 20 unit requirement. Selecting a track will not appear on your transcript, but it can be reflected on your resume.
Operations & Supply Chain Management
Operations and Supply Chain Management Concentration Requirements
Focuses on the efficient integration of information and processes across suppliers/vendors, manufacturers and distributors. Students are required to complete 20 units.
Prerequisites & Core Courses
Core Business Courses
Every Business Major, regardless of concentration, must take a set of core courses for their degree. These courses create a competitive basic business foundation and teach the management practices needed to succeed in any area of business. Students must complete these 10 required courses:
BUS 100W Management Writing and Communication
BUS 101 Information Technology
BUS 102 Ethics and Law in Business and Society
BUS 103 Marketing and Distribution Management
BUS 104 Decision Analysis and Management Sciences
BUS 105 Production and Operations Management
BUS 106 Introduction to Financial Management
BUS 107 Organizational Behavior
BUS 108 Financial Evaluation and Managerial Analysis
BUS 109 Competitive and Strategic Analysis
Business Major Prerequisites
BUS 10: Introduction to Business
BUS 20: Financial Accounting and Reporting
BUS 21: Generation of Financial Accounting Information
CS 8: Introduction to Computing
ECON 2: Intro to Macroeconomics
ECON 3: Intro to Microeconomics
ECON 102: Intermediate Microeconomics
ECON 103: Intermediate Macroeconomics
MATH 22: Calculus for Business
STAT 48: Statistics for Business
Meet with an Advisor
Schedule an appointment with an advisor in the Undergraduate Business Programs office in Olmsted Hall or virtual to confirm the requirements you must meet to stay on track as a Business Administration major.
Attend an Application Workshop
Students who are Pre-Business, undeclared, or have declared a major other than business that are interested in a major change to Business Administration or a Business minor are recommend to watch our online major workshop videos to better understand the admission criteria to declare a major or minor in Business.
Join the Pre-Business Program
To join the Pre-Business Program, students must meet with an academic advisor in the Pre-Business offices at 3400 HMNSS in the Humanities building (CHASS Student Academic Affairs Office). Click the link for more information on the Pre-Business Program: