As the gatekeepers of significant research, journal editors have years of first-hand experience crafting high-quality papers, says John Haleblian, UCR’s associate dean, department chair and professor of management. “Six of our faculty members serve as co-editors or associate editors at eight leading journals across disciplines. This reflects the considerable depth of research talent at our business school.”
One of the newly appointed editors, Marketing Professor Thomas Kramer, associate dean of the undergraduate program, will assume a co-editor role with Journal of Consumer Psychology in January 2021. “One of the exciting aspects of being a co-editor is that I get to read the comments from reviewers who often have viewpoints different from my own based on their expertise,” says Kramer, who has been a member of various editorial boards over the years, and previously served as associate editor at the Journal of Consumer Psychology and the Journal of Consumer Research.
“Having so many faculty members at UCR’s business school serve as editors and shape their fields is impressive, especially considering we have fewer faculty members than many other schools.”
These current UC Riverside business school editors have an important role in promoting research innovation at their respective journals:
Subramanian Balachander, Albert O. Steffey Chair in Marketing and professor of marketing
Associate editor, Productions and Operations Management
Elodie Goodman, associate professor of operations and supply chain management
Senior editor, Production and Operations Management
Jean Helwege, Anderson Chair in Finance and professor of finance
Co-editor, Quarterly Journal of Finance
Associate editor, International Review of Finance
Associate editor, Journal of Financial Services Research
Mingyu (Max) Joo, assistant professor of marketing
Associate editor, Decision Sciences
Associate editor, Information Economics and Policy
Thomas Kramer, associate dean for the undergraduate programs and professor of marketing
Co-editor, Journal of Consumer Psychology
Richard Smith, Philip L. Boyd Chair in Finance and professor of finance
Associate editor, Journal of Corporate Finance