London is Waiting

International immersion helps business students “see the world differently”
By Darin Estep |

The pandemic has upended travel plans worldwide, but London is waiting.

A group led by Assistant Professor of Teaching in Management Kyle E. Ingram will travel to London in Summer 2022 to focus on business leadership and understanding human behavior within organizations.

Kyle Ingram, Assistant Professor of Teaching in Management

Ingram knows England’s capital well; he completed his Ph.D. at the London School of Economics and Political Science and spent nearly a third of his life in the city. “Students will be able to network with the individuals I know academically and professionally.”

Over three weeks, the London Leadership Experience covers two leadership courses intended to push students out of their comfort zones. The curriculum includes visits to the offices of Google and Deutsche Bank, and students will present projects to be judged by panels of international business leaders.

“These stretch assignments enable students to grow,” says Ingram. “Through these experiences, you begin to see the world differently and thereby grow leadership capacity.

“Personally, I can't think of a better opportunity to engage in a stretch assignment than an international experience.”


Establishing a Global Professional Network

From Ingram’s perspective, the faculty-led international programs address several objectives for the School of Business.

“I think one of the greatest initiatives we have within our undergraduate program, in particular, is creating opportunity and experience,” he says. “In the international context, you develop your business skills, form new perspectives, and generate international connections.”



Learn more about the Business FLEAP London Leadership Experience 2022 or register for the program:

FLEAP / Education AbroaD INFO

FLEAP LONDON Registration