New Method Predicts Optimal Prices in Uncertain Times
Setting the right price for goods or services is essential for just about any business. Prices that are too low can reduce profits. Prices that are too high can drive away customers and lead to losses. Artificial intelligence (AI) deep learning models can help businesses find the elusive sweet spot by extrapolating prices from historical...
By David Danelski | UCR News |

Industry Experience Pays Off in Corporate Audits, Study Finds
Co-authored by professors Birendra Mishra and Theodore Mock from UC Riverside’s School of Business, the study examines how the industry experience of auditors can influence audit fees and quality.
By David Danelski (david.danelski@ucr.edu) | UCR News |

Plastic Bag Bans Have Lingering Impacts, Even After Repeals
Regulations imposed to protect the environment may continue to have impacts even after they are repealed. And those lingering impacts include some that run contrary to the goals of the policies.
By David Danelski (david.danelski@ucr.edu) | UCR News |

Manliness Concerns Impede Forgiveness of Coworkers
The more men are concerned about appearing masculine, the less likely they will forgive a co-worker for a transgression such as missing an important meeting, because they view forgiveness as a feminine trait, Haselhuhn and his co-author, Margaret E. Ormiston of George Washington University, found.
By David Danelski (david.danelski@ucr.edu) | UCR News |

Back on Top: U.S. News Names UCR No. 1 for Social Mobility
UC Riverside has again been named the No. 1 university in the nation for social mobility by U.S. News & World Report.
By John D Warren | UCR News |

When Inflicting Pain on Others Pays Off
Oh, the joy of inflicting pain upon others. The Germans have a word for it: Schadenfreude, meaning “malicious pleasure.” And tapping into its sentiment properly can, ironically, do a lot of good by raising money for charity. In a groundbreaking paper published in the Journal of Consumer Psychology, UC Riverside School of Business marketing professor...
By David Danelski (david.danelski@ucr.edu) | UCR News) |

UCR in Top 1.3% of World Universities
UC Riverside is ranked in the top 1.3% of universities worldwide according to the 2024 Center for World University Rankings.

Group Sales Incentives Boost Weak Brand Sales, Study Finds
New research co-authored by UC Riverside business professor Subramanian “Bala” Balachander provides some sound advice for managers of retail outlets that limit their product selection to a particular brand.
By David Danelski (david.danelski@ucr.edu) | UCR News |

School of Business Graduate Program Surges in Top Rankings
The UC Riverside School of Business increased 20 positions in a U.S. News & World Report 2024 graduate school ranking released this week.
By John Warren and Kathleen Drake |
Moderate Goals Let Workers Adapt to Turbulent Marketplaces
When companies set challenging performance goals for their employees, the strategy may work well when their marketplace is stable or when the company wants fast results, but perhaps not as well when workers need to adapt to turbulent times. These are some of the findings of new research by Marlo Raveendran, an associate professor of...
By David Danelski (david.danelski@ucr.edu) | UCR News |