Apply for Graduation
Apply for Graduation
In order to graduate, School of Business undergraduate students must submit a two-step graduation application accessed on R'WEB. Undergraduates that have completed the graduation application in self-service will be directed to their College graduation application to provide them additional information. The application process is not complete until you have submitted both applications. Your degree audit will reflect when step two is complete because the College Graduation Application requirement will be satisfied.
How do I apply to graduate?
In order to earn your diploma, School of Business undergraduate students must apply to graduate through R'WEB - Apply for Graduation.
Students apply to graduate after registering for courses in their final quarter of enrollment at UCR. The deadline to apply to graduate for the upcoming quarter is always the same date as the deadline for Fees and Tuition listed on the UCR Academic Calendar.
Once you submit your online School of Business Application for Graduation, your assigned Academic Advisor will review your academic file to ensure that you are meeting all degree requirements. Advisors confirm degree completion after your final quarter has ended and all grades are posted. Updates regarding your degree completion progress are communicated through e-mail, so it is important for you to continue checking your R'Mail even after you have completed coursework.
How do I walk at Commencement?
Commencement is run through the UCR Office of Event Management. They have their own deadlines for students to follow in order to indicate your interest in participating at Commencement. Be sure to bookmark the UCR Commencement website to stay up-to-date with dates and deadlines to request graduation tickets and other important graduation tasks.
Submitting the online School of Business Application for Graduation is separate from the process to request tickets. In order to participate in Commencement and reserve tickets, you must submit your Intent to Participate online with the UCR Office of Event Management. Information relating to commencement is also communicated through your R'Mail account, so make sure you continue to read them daily.
How do I get my diploma?
The Office of the Registrar will send you an e-mail to your R'Mail account once your diploma is ready for pickup. Diplomas are generally available four to six months after the end of your graduation quarter.
After you graduate, your R'Mail is yours for life, so you want to be sure to continue checking your R'Mail, or to forward your R'Mail to another e-mail that you check regularly.
If you have questions about your diploma, please contact the Office of the Registrar directly. Although your assigned Academic Advisor will clear your academic requirements for graduation, our advising office does not have any part in the printing of diplomas.
For more information about diplomas, visit the Registrar Office website.