Develop Your Career With Internships
Fieldwork in Management
The Fieldwork in Management is a dynamic partnership between a student, the UCR School of Business and an employer. The experience students gain from their fieldwork helps them build their resume with MBA-level and/or graduate level work experience and challenges students to apply knowledge gained from their MBA and/or graduate coursework. The internship should consist of meaningful responsibilities that challenge students to grow in their skill sets and produce tangible results.
To ensure students are maximizing their internship experience, no more than 20% of an intern’s duties should be clerical. The length of an internship needs to be a minimum of 120 hours of work over a period of at least 5 weeks. Most internships take place over a period of 8-12 weeks. For further details, click on the downloadable MGT298-I requirements infographic.
Fieldwork in Management Application
This application form is to be filled out by the student to apply for the Fieldwork in Management Program. After students have received their internship offer, they may begin by submitting their Internship Request Form: AGSM Internship Application Form. The following 3 separate documents must also be submitted along with the application:
- A copy of the original internship job posting
- Submit their official internship offer letter on company letterhead
- Submit their updated resume
Students will also need to select the MGT298-I course available that quarter that they are concurrently engaging in their internship: select MGT 298i course.
MGT298-I Internship Procedure
- Once the AGSM Internship Application Form is submitted, the student will receive the official DocuSign form within 5 minutes.
- On this DocuSign form, the student will need to fill out additional internship supervisor information and their selected MGT 298-I course.
- Once completed by the student, it will go to the student’s supervisor for their signature.
- Once the employer signature has been received, then the AGSM CDC and Advising Units can move forward with the review and approval process.
- Once all signatures have been collected, the student will receive a "Completed" email from DocuSign.
- Students will need to download the "Completed" DocuSign form and submit an Enrollment Permit Petition for MGT 298I - Click Here to Access the Enrollment Permit Petition Form
3.1 Instructions:- Select "Enrollment Permit Petition"
- Select Course: 298i Fieldwork in Management
- Select Reason: Received CDC Approval on MGT 298i internship application
- Upload the "Completed" DocuSign Email Copy and click “Submit”
- Within 3-5 business days students will receive an email from AGSM Advising with a permit to enroll themselves in the class. Students cannot enroll without permission.
Attention International Students:
International students doing an off-campus internship will also need to submit a CPT form to International Student Services. Click here for the CPT Request From for Graduate Students. For further questions, contact the International Student Affairs Office: Phone: (951) 827-4113, Email: internationalstudents@ucr.edu
Deadline Schedule to Submit an Internship Application:
Winter: January 6, 2025 | Spring: April 4, 2025 | Fall: October 6, 2025
For more information and guidance, students may contact agsmcareercenter@ucr.edu.
Employers: Click to log into Your Handshake Account
Students and Alumni: Click to log into Handshake via CAS or (netid)@ucr.edu Account
Go to HandshakePlease review our Frequently Asked Questions before you contact us:
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What are the Internship Requirements for MGT 298-I Fieldwork in Management?
- Fieldwork minimum of 120 hours; course consultation. May be repeated for up to 8 units of credit toward the degree.
Q: How do I register for MGT 298-I?
- Review the AGSM Internship requirements and application procedure, MGT 298-I Internship Guidelines for AGSM Students and begin the search to obtain an internship with a company/organization. The AGSM Career Development Center has a resources page on Handshake that shows internship/job search resources along with information on scheduling 1 on 1 appointments with Career Coaches for personalized guidance.
- Once you obtain an internship with a company/organization you can start the process of applying for the MGT 298-I Fieldwork
- Before you apply for the Internship Application Form, please select the MGT 298i course.
- You will need to have a copy of the original internship job posting,the official internship offer letter on company letterhead and your updated resume MGT 298-I Fieldwork in Management: AGSM Internship Application Form
- Complete the Internship Application procedure listed here to receive enrollment permission to MGT 298-I course.
Q: Can I repeat MGT 298-I multiple times?
- MGT 298-I may be repeated for up 8 units of credit toward your degree.
Q: How do MBA students complete the MGT 298-I requirement?
- MBA students are advised to complete an internship in an area/industry in which they are seeking professional experience. The fieldwork requirement is intended to provide students with hands-on experiential learning in the field of their choice.
Q: Does MGT 298-I have to be completed in the summer?
- The MGT 298-I requirement can be completed during any quarter during your 1st or 2nd year. If an internship is completed in the summer, the course requirement will be applied to the following quarter. If not, the course requirement will be completed during the quarter you have your internship.
Q: How soon can international students begin their internship off campus or on campus?
- International students can begin on-campus internships as soon as their first quarter begins. Students must wait one academic year for off-campus internships unless they have completed their undergraduate studies in the US. For more details, please visit the International Students Office page.
- Fieldwork minimum of 120 hours; course consultation. May be repeated for up to 8 units of credit toward the degree.