A. Gary Anderson
Graduate School of Management

UCR Ph.D. Program

Ph.D. in Marketing

The Ph.D. in Marketing program prepares students for an academic career conducting research in and teaching marketing. As a doctoral marketing student, you will be working with faculty who are outstanding researchers, have work published in the field's top journals, and who have extensive experience successfully advising doctoral students.

Our faculty in marketing conducts research on a wide variety of marketing issues, using diverse methodologies for modeling consumer and firm behavior, such as statistical, econometric, and machine learning models; models and theories from the behavioral sciences such as psychology, sociology, and behavioral economics; and economic, game-theoretic and industrial organization models.

Application Information

The UCR School of Business only accepts Ph.D. applications every few years. The next application cycle for the Marketing area will be for a program start in Fall 2026. Applications will be open in late 2025, due in January 2026. 


Program Outline

The following is a brief overview of the Ph.D. in Marketing program and its requirements. More details can be found in the Ph.D. handbook. The average time for completion of the program is five years. A student’s duration in the program will be devoted to research, core curriculum coursework and teaching assistantships, if applicable. 

The program generally follows a three-phase sequence:

1. Beginning research with supervision, core curriculum coursework and a teaching assistantship, if applicable.

2. Continuing research, qualifying examination and advancement to candidacy.

3. Final dissertation research, including data collection, write-up and defense of the dissertation.

  • Research

    Research is an integral part of the entire Ph.D. in Marketing program. All students are required to begin their research by writing a first-year research paper and are expected to be engaged in research throughout the program, culminating in the dissertation research. A distinguishing factor of our Ph.D. program is that students collaborate on research with faculty from the very start.

  • Coursework

    In their first two years in the program, students are required to:

    • Complete five research methods courses listed below
    • Complete four field seminars in marketing
      • MGT 288A Behavioral Research in Marketing
      • MGT 288B Quantitative Research in Marketing
      • MGT 288C Special Topics in Marketing—Behavioral
      • MGT 288D Special Topics in Marketing—Quantitative
    • Attend weekly research seminars (field colloquia), where students interact with top professors in the field of marketing
    • Take a comprehensive exam during the spring quarter of their second year in the program
    • Take three basic discipline courses from outside the business school
    • Take four elective courses from a list of approved electives
  • Dissertation Research

    The dissertation culminates the student’s academic endeavors. When all program requirements are completed, students take their oral qualifying exam, which is a defense of the dissertation proposal.

    Of substantial magnitude, the dissertation should make a significant contribution to the advancement of knowledge in marketing. It should be of sufficient originality and quality to merit publication, either in whole or in part, in top-tier professional journals. A candidate for the Ph.D. degree will defend his/her dissertation in a public, oral presentation at a time announced to members of the UCR community. Upon the candidate’s successful defense of the dissertation, the Ph.D. Dissertation Committee will make a recommendation to the Graduate Division that the Ph.D. degree be conferred.

  • Teaching Experience

    Ph.D. students are requested to serve as Teacher Assistants for 1-2 quarters each year, starting in their second year. In this role, they work with faculty members in the undergraduate classes by reading and grading assignments, preparing examinations and conducting laboratory sessions. Students are usually not assigned TA duties during first year studies. Students supported by fellowships are not assigned TA duties until they terminate their fellowship.